Saraswati Mahila Mandal, Latur

Saraswati Mahila Mandal, Latur is a registered organization and registered under Societies Registration Act. 1860 and also registered under Bombay public trust Act 1950 in 1997 at the office of Assistant Charity Commissioner Latur Tq. & Dist. Latur Maharashtra. Also the organization is registered under NGO Darpan also our organization is ISO 9001:2015 certified.
Saraswati Mahila Mandal is closely associated with the development & welfare of older persons, women & children. Older persons welfare is an issue of utmost concern to us. This Organization provides vocational training to widows, needy women as well as dependent children. The organization has been undertaking various ventures & programmes at Latur & Osmanabad Districts, now the Organization has decided to expand the criteria of these activities at Sangali, Solapur and other districts having observed the needs of the area. This is desired here to reflect the bulk activities and programmes that have undertaken by our organization through the structural and functional manifestation of the same.